Saturday, December 27, 2014
Assalamualaikum....Intan the weird girl is HERE!!!!!!!!hmmmmmmmm ....... nak citer bnde 2 yang dibenci lagi......Bosan ke?so what?..... my blog not yours.... haaaaahthe thing that I want to tell you guys that is...... the word...TOUGH..... yaaa..... sume mesti igt I ni tough kan???YE laaaaaaa bygkan kalau org cam fatin fatini kene..... tumbuk...... korg mesti risau kan??walau seganas mana pon die..... k-kalau aku...?mesti korg..... x kesa kan....?..... why?.....sbb.... aku ni kan.......TOUGH..... hey..... Your hurting my womanly heart here....but..... wwhat do you care?????Intan kan..... TOUGH...... she knows how to handke it...... she doesn't need........ any supports to stand..... cause...... it is INTAN........ since I was 9..... people think that I am veery tough...... bila kena buli..... I cry...... a lot.... but...... what did the others do????they laughed at me..... they said that ...... a tomboy like me..... is being bullied...... such A FUNNY THING.... YOU SHOULD GROW UP INTAN..... YOU ARE TOUGH .... ARE'NNT YA????...... semua nak saiko aku...... sbb ape..... semua pikir aku sekuat...... besi...... tough...... heyy.... besi ..... it bents ..... but.... what what doo you guys care..... I'm the TOUGH INTAN.... ouch.... that ..... hhurts........ I never thought I am Alone cause..... I lil bro..... that is my best childhood friend would always be there for me........ by my side.... but I thought it ia gonna be FOREVER.... but.... my thought betrayed me.... It hurts..... he changed..... he is an ego maniac right now..... ..... it hurts....... can a sister hate her own bro.... that's impoossible...... I thought I would have Nani by my side forever..... but she 's far away now.... we hardly contact you know..... but deep in my heart. ... I know I miss her and she miss me...... kenape sume..... igt aku tough..... sbb .... aku ganas?.... sbb aku..... tomboy?.... muka aku ganas??? heyyyyy that 's not fair...... you know what.... I have many similarities with a cat.... why?..... bcause....a cat is always fierce ...... it will scratch you.... without even a reason sometime....they attacked you because they were scared.... it's a warning to say that they are very scary as a self protection ... but once you become fond of the cat.... it' s very weak and needs attention.... that 's me.... hqihhhhh tapi.... apakqn daya...... x semua fqham diri semua orang..... normal lah..... kqn?
Sunday, December 14, 2014
assalamualaikum.... oh blog... dah lama sangat aku abandon kau..... kesian kau....bhihi .......
haih.... nak tau tak??? benda yang aku rse aku pling benci ialah bkan org bkn binatang bukan pokok, sayur ke.... BUKAN !...... the thing I hated the most is ..... BERFIKIR .... ya... fitrah setiap manusia...iaitu berfikir..... Allah dah beri kita... manusia kelebihan..... lain dari makhluk lain....... akal.... yaaaa akal..... akal.. untuk berfikir..... aku bersyukur.... aku boleh berfikir... alhamdulillah...... but...... I just hate to think......... haih.......
weird kan.....? canne kita.... manusia nak hidup tanpa berfikir???? kan???? but of course tere's no other way right.... to stay alive.... we..... need to THINK of a way right??? ..... hahahahahahaha..... ahaha....AHAHHAHAHAH........ ha.... aha... haaa.....
KITA MESTI BERFIKIR!!! OF COURSE!! .... tapi aku ... sebenci benci aku..... nak berfikir... x de la smpa aku ignore my needs... die.... aku ske fikir bnde 2 simple.... cuz.... yo know what?? when I started to think about something that is.... ok.... lebih tepat masalah la kan..... aku akan berfikir dgn trlampau mendalam... and the.... OUCH! .... kepala aku berdenyut..... and.... i can't stop....... it makes me think too deeply.... smpai aku buat conclusion..... AKU PALING BAGUS atau AKU PALING TERUK!.... and... due 2 nie no good.....
well.... maybe that's why aku dpat +M lulus.... kaaaan....... byk sgt berfikir...... urgh!!!! satu kelebihan yet.... bermacam2 keburukan....... yang perlu diatasi untuk mengubahnya kepada kebaikan........ kan???? but of course...... impossible nak buat semua ni tanpa berfikir... kan??? haih........ apa2 pun.... aku masih kene trus berfikir...... urgh........ mual tul.... ckap psal bende 2 ni... haiho...
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